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Berghaus Branded Clothing

Here at Connect Promotions, we know promotional marketing inside out and we know that partnering with a premium brand to create an exclusive range of branded clothing is a foolproof strategy for success. Whether you are focusing on corporate clothing or gifting opportunities such as employee reward and recognition programmes, we can help you to select the best products for your audience and get your custom branding right.



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Outdoor Gear From Berghaus

Our range of branded Berghaus outdoor gear is perfect for adventures and includes waterproof jackets, bags, backpacks, fleeces and trousers that look and feel great. If your employees are working outdoors, they will appreciate branded insulated jackets for practical reasons and if you align your brand with Berghaus, they’ll be sure to value your promotional gifts even more. Practicality, style and lifestyle appeal are all essential factors for promotional gifting and you can be sure to tick all the boxes when you partner with Berghaus to create promotional outdoor gear.

Branding top quality outdoor gear with your logo is a great way to show that your brand ethos is aligned with quality and style. Our experts will work with you to find the best embroidery and printing options for your Berghaus products and we can create a range of size options for men and women, as well as the many unisex designs available.

Beat the weather with waterproof jackets

In Ireland, the weather is unpredictable and we understand the need to be prepared for rain. Giving practical equipment that helps your recipients in their daily life sets you ahead of the competition and stylish waterproof jackets are an excellent option here. We can help you select from a wide range of outdoor clothing from top quality brands such as Berghaus and we’ll be delighted to find the best options for you and your brand.

You can make the most of our experience to source and deliver your promotional marketing products worldwide and we will be happy to discuss the branding options with you to create products that are truly unique. We can help you to design marketing campaigns and corporate events to optimise the impact of your branded outdoor gear and we know how to develop opportunities that will accelerate your brand reach. Talk to us today to find out more about the way we work and discover why partnering with us could revolutionise your marketing strategy.

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